Board Member

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Diane is a senior executive with 25+ years global leadership experience in privately held and publicly traded companies and nonprofits in the Internet, media, telecom and mobile sectors. She successfully led digital transformation initiatives for both disruptors and established market leaders. She currently advises start-up technology CEOs on their go-to market strategies, as well as senior executives of Fortune 1000 companies in delivering measurable impact in both commercial and nonprofit sectors.

Strahan was most recently the Chief Operating Officer at the Motion Picture Association of America (MPA) as well as a Board Member of the MPA serving alongside Senator Christopher Dodd and the CEOs of America’s largest studios. Before that, she was the Senior Vice President and General Manager for Mobile, and Internet Registry Services at Neustar, where she had profit and loss responsibility for Neustar’s mobile, digital marketing and Internet domain name services.

Previously she served in executive marketing, sales and GM roles in Fortune 1000, mid-cap and emerging growth companies in telecommunications, Internet, mobile, and media sectors. She has been a key contributor in launching IPOs, developing domestic and global brands, scaling high-tech growth businesses, and leading marketing and business transformations at organizations including Neustar, TechnoServe, AOL, CareerBuilder and MCI. Strahan has been a major supporter, board member and on the staff of nonprofits serving the developing world and women’s issues.

She also served on the global and North American boards of the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) and is considered a leading authority on mobile, branding and interactive marketing and has won numerous marketing and PR campaign awards.

Strahan holds a Masters of Business Administration from George Washington University, and a Bachelor of Science and Marketing/Communications, Summa Cum Laude, from Syracuse University.